Building A GREAT Company Culture

Building a Great Company Culture

Every company I’ve encountered wants a culture that attracts people to work for them. The issue is that many aren’t ready to put in the actual hard work needed to become that kind of company.

They concentrate too much on making more money and calculating the profit they could get without offering these benefits. Take a moment to consider it.
How can a really good company take care of its workers? 
I understand some of you might mention things like getting a personal-use vehicle, having free lunch every day, or having the flexibility to choose my work hours and earn a lot of money.
Actually, none of those things mentioned above define a company’s culture. In reality, they detract from the culture and let employees take advantage of the company.
True culture begins with the leaders and spreads all the way down. Culture is about how you treat people. One saying I really like is “Treat the janitor like the CEO,” and I follow that principle in my life.
It simply means you shouldn’t ever think less of anyone, no matter the reason. They might not have a fancy job title or work as many hours as you do, but everyone on the team is equally important.
This connects directly to being respectful. When you respect everyone around you, things begin to change.
We had a coworker who was really friendly and polite when the boss was present. But, oh boy, once the boss left, everything went haywire.
As a company, you shouldn’t allow rudeness towards customers, leaders, or team members. Instead of rewarding someone for losing their temper, address the problem.

Keep in mind that folks don’t leave lousy jobs; they leave lousy bosses, and that hurts the company. As a leader, you have to take big steps to fix these problems.
It doesn’t mean you should just fire everyone. It means you should sit down with each person one-on-one, let them know there’s a problem, and if it’s not fixed quickly, you may have to take other steps.
Training your team is really crucial for the company culture. Without training, we won’t know what’s expected or how to treat everyone.
In today’s world, it’s tough to find good people to work with. So, when we do find someone fantastic, we often leave them on their own because they’re such a good employee that they can figure things out.
That’s the quickest way to lose a great person from the team. Training is one of the essential keys to success.
When we spend time helping others understand more than just their job, we show that the company’s success isn’t our only focus.
Moreover, if we provide them with opportunities to “move up the ladder,” it demonstrates that we care about more than just making money. I’m not suggesting that if your company earns $1 million in revenue annually, you should be spending the entire $1 million on people.
What I mean is that you should focus on what truly helps your people grow and succeed in their roles. When we only think about money, we tend to forget the things that really matter.
Consider a new business owner, for instance. It’s common for them to work more than 80 hours a week to establish the business. What happens to their family during that initial “startup” phase? They often get overlooked amid all the progress.
Take a few moments each day to think about the people around you. When you trust your colleagues, it’s easier to be more productive. That’s where an open-door policy is really helpful. Every leader must have an open-door policy and stick to it.
The greatest company I’ve worked for, no doubt. The owner was always open to inviting you into his office for a chat. He’d listen to your concerns and discuss them, and by the time you left, you’d have talked about things unrelated to work. Like how your kids are doing, what you think of the new truck, or the best books to read.

What I’m saying is that, unless he was in a meeting, you could talk to him anytime. Also, he cared so much about his people that he would fight for each one of them.
And that connected directly to his values. He was a firm believer in Christianity and didn’t hesitate to let everyone know about it. We prayed before safety meetings, and he openly discussed his faith.
He consistently stuck to his values. As we go through life, we may forget what it was like to start from scratch. To create a great culture, we shouldn’t forget our roots.
A good saying for this is “Humble Beginnings.” Basically, it means never forget where you started. Every company began with nothing. Every person started not knowing much, except how to breathe and sleep. In fact, most of us had to be taught how to eat by our mothers.
Always be down-to-earth and kind.
In short, creating a great company culture is challenging, and it doesn’t happen just by giving the company a guide on how to build it.
In fact, it’s quite straightforward.
  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Do not tolerate bad employees.
  3. Take time to train.
  4. Make your people a priority, not just the bottom line.
  5. Have an open-door policy.
  6. Stick to your values, even when it’s tough.
  7. Remember your early days and what you liked or disliked the most.
  8. Stay positive.
Now is a good time to pause and consider your company’s culture. How can you make it better (every company can improve)? Where are you doing well?
Grab a piece of paper and jot down what you think your company culture should be like.

Here, I’ll begin, so you can get an idea of what ours looks like. 
Here at Eclipse DOT, we’re more than just a business; we’re a family. Sure, we may have disagreements at times, but in the end, we all feel fortunate to have this family. We watch out for each other and collaborate to achieve big things. Everyone here has an open mind, and we listen to each other’s ideas without dismissing them. We appreciate that others care about our family’s growth and bring innovative ideas to the table. We listen not just to respond but to truly understand what others are saying. It’s not just about getting the job done for us; it’s about enjoying life. We all make choices, and we choose to be part of this incredible family. After work, we spend time together, and when someone needs help, we come together to support them through tough times. Our success is because we are a family. At Eclipse DOT, we are more than a business—we are a family!
Ready to Transform Your Leadership Approach? Delve into ‘Core Values and how to find what yours are.‘ and enhance your skills. Follow our expert insights on this transformative journey. Explore more now at eclipse dot

Carefrontation vs Confrontation

Carefrontation vs. Confrontation

You might be wondering, what in the world is Carefrontation?

Carefrontation is when you must face a situation, but you approach it with care and compassion.

Recently, I was at a work site, and the company requested my opinion on whether someone might be using drugs.

When I walked up to the person, I could tell they were down. Their faces looked sad, and their body language clearly showed they were going through a tough time.

To make things worse, this new guy was heading over to talk to her. She had noticed me talking to the company leaders, so she thought I was there to fire her, even though that wasn’t the case.


As I walked up to her, my goal was to find out what was going on with her and just get close enough to see if I could spot any signs of possible drug use.

After chatting with her for about 5 minutes, I got her to open up. Then I realized she wasn’t using drugs but was going through a tough time in her life.

She shared everything that was going on, and honestly, I would have felt down too. She was dealing with a lot, and none of it was easy.

I recommended that they don’t send her home. Instead, they should pair her up with someone she can connect with and trust for the next few days.

After around 3 days, they called me and said she was totally different from when I first met her.

What fantastic news!

I had two choices when I went to talk to her to see if she might be using something.

Option one: act defensively and be cautious, which will make them defensive too. Avoid personal topics, and don’t care about their feelings or what’s happening in their life.

When we approach someone like this, it makes them defensive right away and more likely to do something they might regret later.

It also makes them shut down and not say anything because they’re afraid it might be misunderstood.

I don’t like saying it, but this is how most managers handle situations.

They get right in the employee’s face and insist on an answer immediately! (We’ve all had a boss like that before; in fact, I’ve had several.)

Option 2: When you face any situation, try to understand why it’s happening. Look for the reasons rather than just searching for a solution.

Often, we can’t fix a problem until we figure out what caused it in the first place. I’m quite handy with mechanics (thanks to my dad, lol). So, let’s think of this as fixing a car issue.

If someone says, “I don’t know what happened, but my car suddenly stopped and won’t start again!” does that give you enough information to figure out the problem?

Nope! But if they came and said, “I was driving down the road the other day, going about 120 mph in 3rd gear, the tachometer was up around 6,000 RPM, and then suddenly I heard this huge BAM under the hood. So, I pulled over, and there was a ton of oil coming out of my exhaust.”

Learning what happened before the problem occurred gives you a better understanding of the situation and how to handle it.

That’s why I use Carefrontation in every situation. It helps me genuinely understand what’s causing the problem, so I can get to the root of the issue and fix it, rather than just dealing with surface-level things that won’t really solve the whole problem.

Sure, it might take a bit more time, but in the end, it makes a big difference in how the situation is managed.

Here are a few tips to make sure you always opt for confrontation instead of confrontation in the future.

Tip 1: When you’re dealing with a situation, pause and ask yourself, What’s the real cause of this problem?

By trying to find the main cause of the problem, you’re less likely to overreact. Instead of just looking for a quick fix, you’re genuinely trying to solve the issue. Remember, the only way to truly heal sick oak trees is to treat the roots.

Tip 2: Before accusing anyone, take time to have a conversation.

Making accusations only creates bad feelings and makes people silent. Just like us, others shut down when someone tries to accuse them of something they didn’t do or didn’t understand.

So, before jumping to accusing someone of something, take a few moments to talk with everyone involved.

A good example is the other day when we made a small mistake with one of our accounts. We rushed and pressed the wrong button, and suddenly, our account got deleted!

I had two choices. The first one was to get upset and scold the person who made the mistake. Or, I could just smile, look at him, and say, “Well, how do we fix it?” The second option is always the better one.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t cry over spilled milk.” Why let the past bother you? Stop overthinking it and start looking forward.

Tip 3: This is likely the most crucial tip for using carefrontation. The third tip is to always leave your ego behind.

What do you mean, Dan? I don’t have an EGO!

Guess what?

We all have egos. If you truly want to start using this carefrontation approach, you have to set aside your ego before you go and talk to anyone about a situation or issue.

If you have an ego, they’ll let theirs show too. Then, things escalate, and I’m sure you know what happens next.

Next time you face a situation, try dealing with it using carefrontation. Take time to understand the real problem and find the root cause.

Ready to Transform Your Leadership Approach? Delve into ‘SPEAKING UP‘ and enhance your skills. Follow our expert insights on this transformative journey. Explore more now at eclipse dot

Closed mouth don’t get fed.

Closed Mouth Don’t Get Fed

That’s what they say, right? And it’s so true. Have you ever received something you wanted without asking for it?

Maybe. But the likelihood of it happening again is low. So, why don’t we speak up?

I might be young, but I’ve experienced enough to realize that as people, we’re often scared of what others might think, afraid to ask for help, and just plain scared.


For the sake of conversation, let’s consider me as an example. I used to be extremely afraid of asking for help.

As a kid, I wanted to be a “grown-up.” Kids see adults as independent, brave, and able to handle everything on their own.

When we were kids, we would ask grownups for help.

We sometimes need help with things like opening a peanut butter jar or grabbing something from a high shelf because our bodies are still growing, and we find it hard to do these tasks. (Wondering about the quotes around ‘adults’? Keep reading, and it will make sense, I promise!)

As we get older, our bodies grow—like, we become physically bigger. Suddenly, we can reach high shelves, our hands get strong enough to open peanut butter jars, and we start feeling independent.

And just like that, we stop needing help. But why? Is it because we’ve become so able that we think we can handle everything on our own?

Some might not like the idea.

“I can manage it.”

“I’ll figure it out.”

We often say these things when we’re upset or frustrated with our situation or ourselves. But, deep down, we might not believe it. It’s like we’re annoyed that we haven’t “figured it out” yet.

When we use these phrases, what we’re saying is, “I’m too scared to ask for help, so I’ll act like everything’s okay, even though I need support with this problem.”

What happened to that openness you had as a child? The readiness to say you need help and that you don’t have all the answers.

I won’t act like I know everything, but I’m glad to share my opinion.

We hid it.

We’re scared to admit that we’re scared. How ironic!

Once upon a time, we couldn’t open that peanut butter jar or reach the high shelf. But we asked for help until we learned how to do it ourselves.

As “grown-ups,” we’ve formed opinions about who we are and who we’re not. But we’re mistaken. I’d go as far as to say that our idea of what an “adult” is doesn’t exist!

Being a “grown-up” isn’t some superior level of being human, like we think when we’re young. “Adults” are simply humans. And being human means being part of a community, working together, collaborating, and, yes, sometimes asking for help.

We’re scared to ask for help at work because we worry people might think we can’t handle a task. In our relationships, we hesitate to ask for help because we don’t want to admit that we might not fully understand the needs of our loved ones.

And we’re scared to ask for help in our personal lives because we worry people might see us as someone who doesn’t have it all together, even though we try to show a different image to the world.

Do you see a repeating theme? Is there a word that stands out as important here?

Life and everything in it can be tough and scary. And it’s okay to feel afraid at times.

It is like a time of joy when everything feels just right, smoothly running like a well-oiled machine or a brand-new high-performance sports car.

Do we ignore the happy times? Haha.

Who would be silly enough to do that?

I want you to think about it. Why do we ignore it when we’re in a time of fear?

Accept it.

Put aside your pride and seek the help you insist you don’t need. There’s no such thing as “adults.” It’s all about being “adults.”

What does that mean exactly? Adults.

Add yourself. Expand your skills. If knowledge is power and progress, why don’t we keep adding new information to our understanding?

We shouldn’t fear asking for help.

Whether it’s about a new task at work, in our personal lives, or with our spirituality… Even Jesus sought help.

What makes us think we’re so able to not do what he did?

Psalm 107:28–30 says, “When they were in trouble, they called to the Lord, and He rescued them from their troubles.

He calmed the storm, so the sea became quiet.

They were happy because it was calm, and He guided them to where they wanted to go.” Now, you might not be someone who has faith.

That’s okay.

You don’t need to be a Jesus follower to pick up a few lessons and use them in the storms of your life.

Ask for help, and let the advice of a mentor, friend, the Lord, or anyone else guide you to where you want to be.

Be an adult and keep adding to yourself. Don’t be scared to admit you don’t have everything figured out because, whether people say it or not, none of us has it all figured out.

James 1:5 says, “If any of you need wisdom, ask God, who gives to everyone generously and without finding fault, and you will receive it.”

Samuel H. Martinez

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Encouragement in Daily Life: Small Acts, Big Effects” Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Core Values and how to find what yours are.

Core Values and How to Find What Yours Are

Lately, I have had the fantastic chance to be part of a mastermind group in Cancun, Mexico.

When I say it was fantastic, I’m not kidding. We spent around 4–6 hours a day learning from experts in various industries. After that, we had the rest of the day to explore the area and the resort.

During our time there, I filled over 19 pages with notes!


And on top of that, we did some fantastic exercises that helped me see things differently and prepared me to reach the next goals I had already set.

Before, I used to look at those goals, and I had some big personal and external beliefs that made it seem impossible to achieve them.

We could delve into those beliefs, but we don’t have that much time. LOL. One of the most important things I learned from this week-long experience is that you have to dream big!

But before dreaming big, you need to identify your core values. Russell Brunson had us do an exercise that made figuring out my core values simple.

Do you want to know what it was? Okay, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise to do it. Right now! 

Here’s the deal. Grab a pad of sticky notes and clear your desk. If you don’t have sticky notes, it’s fine. Just cut some paper into small squares or rectangles (the shape doesn’t matter).

Alright, now what I want you to do is write down everything you enjoy. Use one sticky note for each thing.

Here are some of mine to give you some ideas:

Embarking on epic family board game battles, savoring succulent steaks that melt in your mouth, spontaneous trips to the vibrant beaches of San Diego, catching thrilling waves while surfing the ocean’s rhythm, indulging in nightly shows with Jenna that whisk you away before sleep takes over, soaring through the skies with the wind in your hair, nurturing personal growth like a well-tended garden, getting lost in the pages of captivating books, joyfully aiding others in their quest for knowledge, cultivating flourishing businesses, extending a helping hand to fellow entrepreneurs, and proudly investing in the future by supporting 4-H animals at the fair – these are the vibrant threads that weave the tapestry of our extraordinary life.

I believe you understand. Now, set a timer for 3 minutes and jot down as many as you can. Pro Tip: Instead of using a timer, pick a motivational song and write until the song is over.

Here’s a description of how mine turned out:

Great work! Now, organize those sticky notes into groups, aiming for about 5–6 groups. These are your core values—the things that bring you the most joy.

Here’s what makes me happy:

  1. Family Fun: Having a blast with family adventures!
  2. Wanderlust Moments: Exploring new places and making travel stories.
  3. Mastermind Builder: Creating amazing things in the business world.
  4. Community Cheers: Sharing and caring with the people around.
  5. Wellness Wonderland: Keeping the mind and body in great shape.
  6. Divine Connection: Taking care of the soul and enjoying the journey with the divine.

I bet some of those surprised me too! I had no clue I was into health! Russell Brunson calls these “hall of fame goals,” but I prefer to call them my core values.

They’re my core values because, when someone looks at my life, I want these things to stand out more than anything else. If you go back and check my Facebook profile, I bet you can see this. I’d also wager that you can notice how my core values have shifted in the last 10+ years. So, here’s what I want you to do!

After you complete the exercise, think about your life. Consider what a total stranger would see when they stumble upon your profile and don’t know anything about you.

Here are the core values of my company, written out.

Our company is based on five core values that are at the heart of everything we do: extreme ownership, community, hard work, integrity, and personal and professional growth!
Eclipse DOT leads the transportation community. We assist people in building, growing, and expanding their businesses to levels they’ve only dreamed of.

At Eclipse DOT, family is important to us. We care about our team’s families and the families in our community! We understand that, without the support of those close to us, real growth is not possible. Communities are vital in our lives. Eclipse DOT supports the development and growth of communities. We promote community growth through networking and building new connections.

At Eclipse DOT, we promote not just a healthy lifestyle but also a healthy mindset for everyone on our team. Why? Because our mind is our most powerful tool. Here’s a fun fact: Your brain is only 2% of your body weight but gobbles up 20% of your daily calories. So, eat well and get your daily exercise!
Travel brings excitement to our lives. We motivate our entire team to travel several times a year. We also encourage our community to embark on adventures, not just to our events but also to enjoyable and thrilling destinations. At Eclipse DOT, we believe that God is the reason for everything. He provides us with ideas, guidance, and the strength to persevere. God is a significant part of our company, influencing our culture and values. We also respect that it’s okay if you don’t share the same beliefs as us. Can you see how these connect directly to my core values? Now, go out there, discover your values, and share them with the world!

PS: If you ever need help getting something done, just start writing a blog. You’ll have to finish it then! That’s what happened to me.

LOL. Keep the rubber side down and have a great week!

Dan Greer

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Core Values & How To Get Yours.”. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at 

Ditch those RESOLUTIONS and set some REAL GOALS!

Ditch those resolutions and set some real goals

In the past, I used to make New Year’s resolutions for myself, like losing a few pounds, running again, or just being a better person. But those resolutions didn’t work. I would give up shortly after starting, or sometimes I wouldn’t even get started. It left me feeling like I didn’t have the willpower to achieve anything. The truth was, I wasn’t setting resolutions for myself; I was setting ones I thought the world would want. So, I stopped making resolutions and started setting goals.

Setting goals is crucial in life to get what you want. When I set goals, I remember seven key things, one for each day of the week. It helps me stay focused on what I need and keeps me motivated to achieve my desires.

  1. Make sure half your goals are doable in the next 1–6 months. This keeps you motivated. If you can make something happen today, go for it. If all your goals are impossible, you’ll lose motivation. So, keep a few goals that boost your motivation to the next level, helping you stay on track and achieve what you want.
  2. Set a really big goal, like something Superman might find challenging. For instance, imagine wanting 20 vacation homes in different countries and two private jets for you and your family to travel the world. This goal is probably hard to achieve, but that’s the point. Even if you never reach it, just trying puts you ahead compared to not thinking about it at all. Think of it this way: if you aim for another galaxy and don’t get there, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you still went farther than if you never tried in the first place!
  3. Jot down your goals; it’s a crucial part of the process. Write them in different spots. I use a notebook that I always carry, another for various notes, and a whiteboard in my home office. The notebooks are just for me, so I can check my goals no matter which one I have. I use a whiteboard because, when my family enters the office, they read it and ask about my goals. This keeps me motivated and accountable, making sure I stay on track. Whether it’s the notebook in my pocket, the one for notes, or the whiteboard at home, having goals in multiple places helps me stay focused on achieving them.
  4. Share your goals with others; it’s important for achieving them and staying accountable. When you talk about your goals and dreams with someone, it makes them feel more real and gives them a new perspective. Imagine wanting to lose weight. If you keep it to yourself and just start exercising, people might be supportive, but not as much as if you tell them what you’re trying to achieve. I’ve shared my goals, and I’ve seen friends drop everything to help me stay on track. I’ve also been that friend who dropped everything to motivate others. Sharing goals creates a supportive community that keeps everyone focused.
  5. When you pick your goals, be clear and specific. If they’re too broad, it’s easy to achieve them, or even worse, you might lose motivation because you can’t reach the target. Let me share one of my business goals with you: I want to buy a grill/cook trailer by June 2020 and use it to support our customers, their employees, and our community. Now, if our goal was just to “buy a grill to give back to our community,” it’s not specific enough. It lacks details like the type of grill and its size, and it doesn’t have a clear timeframe. Adding these specifics makes your goals more achievable and keeps you motivated.
  6. Set different kinds of goals! Don’t just think about work or personal stuff; have both. Make a list of goals for your job or business. Also, dream big! Aim to be the CEO of a super valuable company, retire by 35, or make enough money to live well without working more than 40 hours a week. Some goals might fit on both lists, like retiring early or having a job that feels more like fun than work. Having
  7. Don’t let your goals scare you too much. Choose some that don’t feel overwhelming. If all your goals terrify you, you might avoid them altogether. It’s important to have a mix of goals—some that challenge you and others that seem easier to achieve. This way, you’ll stay motivated and feel confident in reaching some of your goals while pushing yourself with others. A mix of goals helps you focus on different aspects of your life and dream big too!

This is just how I set goals and make sure I’m on the right path to success. But there are a few more things you should think about. Try setting goals with your family and your spouse. It’s been really helpful for me. My wife and I set goals about 7 months ago, and it’s surprising how many goals we set for two years are already happening. It’s also funny how we haven’t even started some goals we planned to finish in 30 days, haha.

Whenever I do something, I try to keep God at the forefront. It doesn’t mean I go to church every Sunday or that I think I’m perfect. I often feel far from the person I should be, but that’s a different topic. I believe in having faith in every part of life. For a long time, I thought God didn’t belong in my work or goals; I only turned to Him when I needed something. Now, I realize He’s more important to me than that. So, I make sure to involve Him in everything I do, both in my personal life and in my work.

I hope this encourages you to skip those yearly resolutions that many of us forget by the end of January. Instead, set some goals that are easy to reach and a few that might be a bit challenging. These goals can truly make a positive change in our lives.

Happy New Year, and I’m confident that 2020 will be an awesome year!

Ready to Transform Your Leadership Approach? Delve into ‘Set your goals high this year‘ and enhance your skills. Follow our expert insights on this transformative journey. Explore more now at

Doing what’s best for your customers, not your business

Doing What’s Best for Your Customers, Not Your Business

Success isn’t about the money you make; it’s about the quality of work you offer to others.

“Remember, you’re helping a customer, not stuck with a lifelong task. Find joy in your work.” Laurie McIntosh. That’s so true.
In my career and all our businesses, we’ve stuck to a few important principles. First, we don’t just provide customers with what they want; we give them what they truly need. Second, we always prioritize what is best for the customer. Third, we make sure everything we do is guided by our faith in God. Lastly, we put the customer first, even if it means taking a hit to our businesses.
Let’s simplify and break those down to make them easier to understand.
We don’t just give customers what they want; we provide what they truly need. It might sound simple, but dealing with customers or employees shows that what someone wants and needs can be very different. That’s why our success across various platforms and industries relies on underselling and overdelivering. Early in our careers, we learned that if you promise more than you deliver,
Imagine if Walt Disney had built Disneyland but never made any improvements. Picture that. It wouldn’t have the same great feeling it has today. In life, we need to do the same—constantly work on making things better; you lose customers, and the ones you keep aren’t happy. That’s why we always seek ways to enhance our customer experiences.

Providing people with what they truly need takes time, energy, and effort. It’s not easy. However, when you go above and beyond, people are willing to pay a bit more because they trust that you’ll be there for them. They recognize that you’re always working to make their experience better.
Always choose what’s right for the customer.

Now, let’s discuss always doing what’s best for the customer. I once had a salesperson who sold something to a customer that they didn’t really need.
After a bit into the contract, the customer contacted us, saying, “I’m not sure we’re getting what we really need!” As a business owner, these are words you never want to hear because they could lead to negative discussions with your friends and others who might need our services. Word of mouth can either be our best advertisement or our toughest competition.
Now, going back to the oversold contract, I promptly contacted the company and asked how we could help them stay on the right track. I offered to provide a few more estimates with different options to meet their actual goals. I sent three estimates, each offering different levels of service, ensuring what was best for both companies.

They replied, saying they wanted to continue working with us and appreciated that we were willing to collaborate with them.
The lesson here is that we could have lost that customer forever, all because one salesperson wanted a larger commission. They didn’t prioritize what was best for the customer or our business. Now, they’re no longer selling our products, and they won’t ever again!
It’s really important to have a strong moral guide!
That’s why we ensure that God is the reason behind everything we do. Whether you call Him God, the big guy, the leader of the world, or whatever, He’s the best moral guide. As a business rooted in Christian values, we believe it’s crucial to keep God at the center of everything.
This doesn’t mean we can’t aim to make money, but we strive to do it with strong morals. If a customer isn’t happy, we try to help them. If someone truly needs assistance, we offer a helping hand. There’s a difference between giving a handout and offering a hand-up, but that’s a topic for another blog. (Literally, we’ve already written about it—check out our shameless plug!)

Always keep the big guy in mind as the reason behind everything you do.
Always prioritizing what’s best for the customer, even if it affects our businesses, won’t be easy. There will be times when tough decisions need to be made, like letting go of an employee or renegotiating a contract. One crucial thing to remember is to live by your principles. I figured out a while ago that if it comes down to doing what’s right or making money, I’ll choose to do what’s right.
Because when I do what’s right, the money will come. I don’t stress about the number of zeros in the bank account; instead, I concentrate on having happy customers! Providing good customer service is crucial for success.
In business and life, various things can happen, and many are beyond your control. What you can control is how you respond, how you treat others, and the decisions you make. If you prioritize your customers and genuinely care about them, you’re bound to succeed!
Ready to Transform Your Leadership Approach? Delve into ‘MAKING THE FACE OF YOUR BUSINESS‘ and enhance your skills. Follow our expert insights on this transformative journey. Explore more now at eclipse dot

Dream So Big It Scares Others!


“Persist in pursuing your true desires. The one with big dreams holds more power than the one with all the facts.”

Lately, I’ve been tuning in to Shark Tank. In case you’re not familiar, it’s a TV show where folks with a business idea try to convince a group of 5–6 investors, known as “sharks,” to buy a share of their business.

In exchange, they get a business buddy who puts money into their company. After that, they work on making their business bigger and better. Since I’m an entrepreneur too, I like watching and picking up lessons from each pitch on the show.
Some products or businesses seem promising when introduced, and I can see their potential. On the other hand, there are some products that make you wonder how anyone could believe they’re a good business idea. It’s hard to imagine that they could ever succeed!
When I watch the show, it makes me think about our business. I started thinking about the things we could do and where we wanted to go with them. It gets me a bit excited, but also a bit scared. I have this incredible gift from God—I can dream really big. Seriously!

I dream so big that it scares most people when they ask me about our business goals. One of my dreams is to create a conference center that looks like a truck. I know what you’re thinking—Dan, that sounds awesome!
Oh, you didn’t think that? What’s going on? I’ve had this dream for a while. The other day, I was checking social media and found a guy drawing truck pictures. It was cool. I love dreaming big, and this idea just clicked with me. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
I asked him how much he’d charge to make special pictures of our customers’ trucks. I just wanted to know the cost of creating custom images, you know, for their trucks.

Why not? Later, as we got closer, I asked if he could make a picture of my upcoming event center.
Surprisingly, he was eager to make it! We discussed what I wanted, he suggested an idea, and then we made some adjustments together.

I made some additional adjustments to the picture, and then I made a few more changes. I decided to include some elk in the picture, just for fun. Lol.
He added lights to the building and sent it back to me. I loved it! What did I do next? I got the picture printed on a canvas to hang up in my office and enjoy it every day.
Every day, I get to see my dream come true! Each time I look at it, I take a moment to think about the future. Many would just have the idea, but I’ve turned it into a reality.

Not me, though. I acted on the idea, taking the first step toward creating something amazing!
The other day, my family and I had a good laugh while watching an animated movie at home. The film featured superheroes and villains, making it an enjoyable time together.
In the movie, a billionaire launches a rocket from his house. My son Nathen asked, “Dad, where’s your rocket? Every billionaire needs one!” It made me laugh, imagining a rocket in our house. Kids have a way of turning movies into funny, real-life moments.
We burst into laughter. If you’re curious about how my future events center will look, check out the picture above. It gives you a glimpse of what I envision.
I want to inspire you to dream big! Imagine goals so huge that they make everyone around you a bit nervous!
Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “God already knows your path!”. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Enjoy the season that you are in.


Do you ever take time to sit, relax, feel, and appreciate the present? With all the current chaos in the world, we often find ourselves consumed by worries about the future. It’s essential to balance our concerns and embrace the beauty of the moment we’re living in.
Here’s a quick tip:
Don’t let worry change things. Instead, appreciate the current season; God has given you many reasons to be grateful. Focus on the good things around you, and find joy in the blessings you’ve received.
Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of His creation. Relax and enjoy life; tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Embrace the saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” Life is precious, so take time to savor the present and find joy in the reasons behind it all.
God is the most sensible explanation for everything. We can discuss science, but it just makes sense that God is behind everything around us.

He deserves praise for everything. Another well-known saying is, “If you wake up, God still has plans for you.”
In 1 Kings 19:7 of the Bible (MSG), it says, “Get up and eat more; you’ve got a long journey ahead of you.”
God is assuring you that there’s a long journey ahead. Don’t rush; take time to enjoy what’s in front of you.
How can you make sure that you’re truly present and living in the present moment?
Here are some suggestions to assist you in cherishing the numerous small moments that come your way every day.
1. The past is history, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift.
Avoid overthinking the past and stressing about the future. If you must carry something from your past, let it be something you cherish. If not, smile and concentrate on the present moment. 
2. Be mindful of the little details.
Embrace and observe your surroundings, even in the smallest details. Appreciate the ambiance, sounds, and sights—these are all little things to be thankful for.
3. Pay attention to each passing moment.
When you care about every passing second and minute, you extend the significance of that moment and maximize its potential.
4. Practice kindness and express gratitude.
Assisting someone in need will bring joy to your day. Always be grateful to God for allowing you to experience each day as a blessing.
5. Positive confirmation.
Declare to yourself, “This is it. I’m in my 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. I won’t dwell on what could, should, or might happen.”
In conclusion, there comes a day for everyone when things feel out of order and you find yourself sitting in your car or bathroom, shedding tears.
That’s why it’s crucial to remember your positive days and moments, as they can support you during challenging times.
Wholeheartedly value today’s moments, let go of past hurts, cease worrying, smile, and live one day at a time.
Alright, lift your chin and make every moment meaningful.
Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Blessings are all around us.” Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything Happens for a Reason

What you’re experiencing right now is showing you that you really can do this.

Lately, I’ve been navigating a series of challenging moments. I’ll highlight a few to give you a sense of what I mean.

During a recent visit to a small town in Texas, I had a rental car reservation, but they had already given it away by the time I arrived. To make matters worse, they didn’t have any additional cars available for me.

I had to rent a U-Haul to go to and come back from the job site, which was an hour away by car.

I was close to getting my pilot’s license for a plane with two engines. My instructor, who used my plane to get his multi-engine certification, suddenly decided he didn’t want to teach anymore.

I had to search all over the country to find a new instructor who could help me with multi-engine training. During this, I had to show the new instructor that I knew what I was doing all over again.

Some clients think using my money to support their businesses is fine. We purchase permits for them, but it often takes them several months (or even years for a few) to pay us back. 

It’s not a big problem, but if you can’t afford it, just don’t do it. The other day, someone reminded me to be thankful for everything that happens. 

Even if it’s unpleasant! Then they went on to give me this advice: “Since you want more in your business than what you have now, the challenges you’re facing are giving you the chance to show yourself that you CAN DO THIS.”

I stopped and sent that message immediately. Then I looked up and said, “God, I know you have a plan. I tell everyone that things happen for a reason. So, thanks for helping me learn this lesson. If you could help me learn it faster, that’d be great.” Here’s the thing: We all want to achieve more tomorrow than we do today. 

We aim to be better Christians and live better lives. Sometimes, we want more responsibilities, and other times, we wish for fewer. Every situation God puts us in is for our benefit; it makes us stronger. However, it can be tough while we’re in the middle of the lesson. 

As I write this, I’m sitting on the balcony of our rental house in Pismo Beach, CA, looking at the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, I was in the water playing with the kids. We had our boogie boards and had a lot of fun catching waves. 

While doing that, I looked around and took a moment to thank God for giving me the strength to get into this cold water. I also thanked Him for letting me trust that my kids would be okay playing in the water.

 When I was a kid, we never went to the ocean because my dad was really scared of the water. His favorite thing to say was, “I don’t take baths because people die in the bathtub.” Another one I liked was, “I’ll get in as long as it doesn’t get above my ankles.”

And he really means both things he says. On a different note, I recall the first time I went to the ocean that I can remember. It was with Jenna. We were seniors in high school and met her family in California to visit Disneyland. Jenna and I went a day early so we could go to the ocean. 

I instantly loved the waves and the hugeness of what God made. We were playing in the waves when suddenly I couldn’t touch the bottom anymore.

I totally panicked. Meanwhile, Jenna calmly stood up and said, “Hey, you can touch; just stand up!” 

After the lifeguard pulled me back to shore, I felt a bit embarrassed. I mean, what kind of “man” would freak out just because they could touch the bottom?

We didn’t go into the water for the rest of that day. Skip ahead a few years, when we had the kids and returned to the ocean again.

We hurried to San Diego to visit SeaWorld but got there too early. Who knew that things in the city didn’t open until 10 a.m.? 

Not me when I was young! Lol. So, we chose to go see the ocean. When we arrived, I only allowed the kids to get their feet wet.

I’m completely sure. Jenna thought, “Oh my goodness, I married Dan’s dad when it comes to water!”

Later in the trip, we went to the ocean again because the kids really wanted to. Up near LA, we returned to the beach. We ended up spending several days there because the kids enjoyed it so much.

During the first trip, I kept the kids close to me. I vividly remember telling them that if they went too far, they were out and playing in the sand, no questions asked.

Jump ahead a year later, and we’re playing in the ocean in San Diego again. I allowed the kids a bit more space, but they still had to stay close.

Now, let’s go to yesterday. I’m sitting on the beach, telling myself that I just need to get over it and join them. They’re out there catching waves and having a blast.

God got me ready for that situation. My kids and I are still careful, but we know our limits, and each time we push them, they expand a bit further.

Just like the situations we’re facing right now! God wanted me to rent that U-Haul. He wanted me to find a new flight instructor, and he wanted me to do everything. I just had to accept that he was in control, and he was right.

It’s time to do something.

Today, think about a situation you don’t really like. You can even think it’s terrible. That’s okay. Now, just give it to God.

 Say the prayer below and give it all to God with your whole heart. Trust that He will give you the right answer for your situation. In the future, when things get tough, I want you to do the same. 

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at Trusting God’s Guidance Every Step of the Way. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Everything in life happens for us, not to us.


Every event unfolds for a purpose. We might not always understand that purpose, but there is always a reason behind it.

I’ve always thought that everything in life has a purpose. Sometimes we don’t get why things happen immediately, and maybe we never will. Nevertheless, there’s a reason behind it. It could be because we needed to learn from a mistake, or maybe we weren’t prepared for a specific job or promotion. Perhaps God used us to help someone else learn a lesson because our faith is strong. 

Life’s twists and turns often carry valuable lessons. Reflecting on these moments and understanding that they contribute to our growth and the growth of those around us is important. It’s like pieces of a puzzle fitting together, even if we can’t see the complete picture just yet.

Reflecting on my life, I see moments where God guided me, often without my realizing it. One significant choice was not enlisting in the military right after high school. I had plans to join the Army, head to basic training after graduation, attend warrant officers’ school, and eventually fly helicopters. However, God had a different plan.

This decision spared me from the heightened danger during the early days of the war on terrorism when many helicopters were shot down. God protected me. Furthermore, the reason I didn’t enlist was to meet my now-wife. This choice likely led to the family and life I have today, including the wonderful kids I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Looking back, I can see God’s unseen hand shaping my journey.

Let’s talk about the time I didn’t get a full-time job at the paid fire department. Back then, I was really upset; how could I mess that up? I was already working part-time, covering many shifts, and the squads liked me.

Now, looking back, if I had stayed there, I wouldn’t be living where I am now, I wouldn’t have gotten my CDL, and I wouldn’t be starting my own business. Likely, I wouldn’t be as close to God as I am today, either. Sometimes, not getting what we want opens doors to unexpected and better things.

Let’s talk about when I lost a job for working too much. I was young and couldn’t understand why that happened. God used that experience and the next three years at a different job to humble me and bring me closer to Him. He taught me the true meaning of forgiveness and encouraged me to lean on him.

He even gave me a not-so-great boss to show me how not to act and treat others. This period sparked a passion in me to find needs and fill them, no matter how challenging. It was then that I discovered the need for CDL testing in our area. I worked hard for 1.5 years to go through the process and became one of the youngest testers in the state of Colorado at that time. God’s guidance and the challenges I faced shaped me into who I am today.

Recently, I dealt with another awful boss. The company leadership was great, but my direct supervisor was challenging. God used this to teach me to let go, forgive, learn how not to treat others, and stay humble. This experience motivated us to start Eclipse and take those faith-filled steps.

Looking back on my life, I could easily feel regret. I regret missing a chance to serve my country, messing up job interviews, experiencing poverty, and dealing with terrible bosses. But instead, I choose to see these moments as opportunities to say, “Thank you, God, for helping me!” I don’t live with regret because I believe there’s a higher power looking out for me.

He won’t give me more than I can handle. If we believe things happen for us, there’s no room for regret. Every experience, even the tough ones, shapes us into the best version of ourselves.

Now, more than ever, I hold the belief that everything in life occurs for our benefit, not against us.

 Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “God has a Plan For You” Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Extreme Ownership

Extreme Ownership

Let’s begin by defining extreme ownership. How would you describe it?

Extreme ownership, to me, means owning everything in your life—your work, family, and thoughts. It’s about not letting others handle your responsibilities. You take charge of what happens in your life, making sure you’re in control. It’s all about being responsible for every aspect of your life—no excuses.

Read that last sentence again. Don’t let others take responsibility for what happens in your life. Own it all, and take charge without allowing excuses.

You’re in charge of it all. If someone leaves, it’s on you. Your weight is what you’re doing. Can’t handle bills? Your responsibility. In the end, everything falls on your shoulders, whether it’s people, pounds, or payments. It’s all your call.

Understand? Whatever occurs, it’s on you. Even your thoughts! If you believe you’re not attractive, it’s your job to shift that thinking. You hold the key to why things happen, including the way you see yourself. Take charge and change your perspective for a better outcome.

Another part of extreme ownership is avoiding excuses. What? I never make excuses. Yeah, right! We all make excuses, and that includes me. It’s important to acknowledge and overcome that tendency toward true ownership.

Making excuses limits extreme ownership. Each excuse signals to our minds that it’s okay or offers a reason for not achieving our goals. To truly take charge, we need to eliminate excuses and take responsibility for our actions, fostering a mindset of ownership and accountability.

Why does it matter? When we provide an excuse, our mind seizes the opportunity. A single excuse paves the way for more, creating a chain reaction. One leads to another and then another, forming a cycle of excuses that hinder responsibility and ownership. It’s crucial to break this pattern.

You probably understand by now. Winning makes it easier to keep winning, and losing makes it easier to keep losing. Reflect on your recent excuse—was it major or minor? How did you feel afterward? The goal is to make you aware that you made an excuse, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership.

I didn’t start a webinar because someone left, and I had to change plans. I haven’t found time to finish the slides. I’m letting external factors control aspects of my life. But pay attention to two things in the last sentence. It’s important to be aware of these patterns.

Firstly, notice I didn’t mention being busy—avoid that word. Secondly, I’m owning the excuse by admitting, “I haven’t made time for the slides.” I’m not saying I lacked time; I’m saying I didn’t prioritize it. Recognizing this difference is crucial for taking responsibility and making intentional choices in how we spend our time.

Friends, adopting extreme ownership, even in excuses, is the first step to changing thoughts and stopping excuses. Now, let’s change our focus. It’s about taking responsibility and altering our mindset, paving the way for positive change. Now, let’s shift our attention.

For a long time, I had a hard time making my team embrace extreme ownership. While I was good at it, some team members struggled to follow suit. I decided to invest time in their mindset. We meet once a month to brainstorm about the business, fostering a collaborative and responsible approach to our work.

But there’s much more to it. This day gives me insights into the team’s well-being and where they face mindset challenges. We engage in exercises to empower them to take control. You might wonder, what are they taking control of? It’s about taking charge of their mindset, actions, and the direction of our collective efforts.

The key is their mind. Once they conquer their minds, anything becomes possible. During our team day, we tackle 5 to 6 exercises to break limiting beliefs. Then, we establish new beliefs, enabling us to embrace extreme ownership. It’s a process of empowering the team to overcome mental barriers and foster a proactive mindset.

Through these monthly gatherings, I discovered our productivity soars—seriously, it goes through the roof! Everyone’s pumped, sensing something greater than us all. The energy we bring to the room excites them, renewing their passion for our cause. It’s like a booster, making our collective effort more powerful and inspiring.

Unconsciously, everyone, me included, begins to embrace more ownership. We quit shifting blame and say, “I’m good at that; I can handle it.” Or, “I might have misspoken to a client about ______. Do you have a suggestion for fixing the situation?” It’s a positive shift toward accountability and problem-solving within the team.

Should you want me for a “team day” at your office, contact our team, and we’ll gladly set it up. But first, let’s chat. If you don’t buy into it, your team won’t either! You must be 100% committed to making a genuine impact. Let’s discuss this before diving into this valuable experience.

Until next time, keep the rubber side down.

Dan Greer

Explore more on leadership and personal growth. Don’t miss our blog on ‘TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ACTIONS‘ Stay tuned for more practical insights and advice at Eclipse DOT

Faith it till you make it

Faith, It Till You Make It

Step into the courage you’ve lacked to become the person you aspire to be. Over time, you’ll realize you’ve always been that person. Until it’s clear, embrace pretending and inventing. Paulo Coelho

How can you maintain faith until success? We’ve all heard of faking it till you make it, but that’s not a mantra I could embrace. Staying true to oneself seemed more genuine and worthwhile on my journey.

Using money, you don’t possess means squandering time that could be better utilized. Creating an illusion of success for others while you’re descending further into difficulties. It’s a cycle of deception and decline.

Faking things has never been my strong suit. If you don’t enjoy it, just skip it. There’s this saying that if what you’re doing doesn’t bring joy, you might be on the wrong track. Ever heard that? It’s a good reminder to find happiness in what you do.

How does having faith until success differ from pretending until success? When you have faith, you trust in God to provide what you need for success, relieving yourself of the pressure to achieve it independently. You let God handle the burden, placing your confidence in divine support on the journey to success.

I’m not suggesting you simply wait, saying, “If it’s God’s will, it’ll happen.” My grandma’s fridge had a saying: “All things come to those who wait, as long as they work hard while waiting.” It’s about combining patience with effort for success.

As a kid, I didn’t grasp the saying. Growing older, I observed others aiming for success, and it clicked. If you don’t put in the effort, God can’t bless you. Working for your goals opens the door for divine blessings, a realization that dawned on me with time and observation.

Winning the race or hitting a home run doesn’t happen by staying on the sidelines or in the dugout. To have a shot at success or even face failure, you must actively participate in the game. Fear often holds us back from taking the leap, preventing us from embracing opportunities and challenges that come our way.

Having faith until you make it means trusting that, whether you win or lose, you’re actively participating and giving it your best shot in the game. 

I encourage you to do this now. Look at where you are in life. Is it what you expected? Do you have what you thought you would? If the answer is no, acknowledge it. Whether you lack much or expect to be further, it’s a moment to reflect and consider what changes or efforts can shape your path ahead.

Pause and reflect on moments where you lacked faith in the outcome. Examine instances where you chose to give up instead of persevering.

Thomas Edison persisted through 9000 attempts before successfully inventing the lightbulb. Imagine if he quit after the first, hundredth, or even the thousandth tries. What if he threw his hands up, saying, “I give up”? His determination highlights the importance of resilience and not giving up on our goals, no matter how challenging they seem.

Initially, he might not have known where to begin. Perhaps he followed unproductive paths. Eventually, he might have thought, “I can’t do this.” It illustrates the common challenges one faces while navigating uncertainty and finding the right direction toward success.

He held onto faith in his project and mission, persistently trying to figure things out. Reflecting on past obstacles, let’s now focus on the future. What projects are you currently working on? It’s a moment to consider your goals and keep moving forward with determination and purpose.

Do you have any big, scary projects on the horizon? If yes, like mine, let’s have faith until we make it together. Before diving in, let’s say a quick prayer to ensure we’ve got the right support team on our side.

Let’s trust that we’re the right fit for the job. We were picked because we can get it done. When things don’t go smoothly, we stay strong. If the first video fails, we step back in front of the camera and try again. Never give up; persistence is key!

Finally, when we achieve success, take a moment to express gratitude where it’s deserved. Thank our support system and those who helped us where we faltered. Show appreciation to those who contributed ideas.

Most importantly, thank the higher power for granting the faith to complete the project successfully. Let’s go out there and keep the faith until we make it!

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Patience Comes With Many Hard Times!”. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at 

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