My tips to Recharge Your Batteries

My Tips for Recharging Your Batteries

Hello, everyone! Get prepared for an exhilarating journey because today I’m about to reveal some personal insights that will have you falling head over heels in love with life every single day.

But before you get ahead of yourself and start imagining quirky car jump-starting techniques involving potatoes and copper wire, hold your horses! That’s a definite no-go, and I want to make it crystal clear that I’ve never attempted such a thing. So, I implore you: DO NOT even entertain the thought of trying it.

Now, let’s delve into the exciting stuff, and I promise it’s going to be both enjoyable and filled with valuable wisdom.

Firstly, it’s crucial to align your mindset with a profound passion for what you do! While I certainly love my work, let’s be honest—even when I have moments of fatigue. However, here’s the game-changer—burnout is a rarity in my world because I am genuinely passionate about my pursuits.

Allow me to offer you an exclusive peek into my daily routine. I greet the day with the rising sun, typically around 3:30–4 a.m., and commence my morning ritual. Following that, I allocate a solid 30 minutes to social media, but this isn’t mindless scrolling. No, I leverage social media as a strategic tool, keeping a vigilant eye on my competition and potential clientele. Oh, and let’s not overlook the importance of sending out those birthday wishes!

After this, I engage with five posts on each social platform, all meticulously chosen to target potential or current clients. After a swift caffeine boost—coffee enthusiasts, you know the drill—I retreat to my home office to tackle emails and attend to any urgent matters.

Then, I carefully select 3–7 projects to tackle for the day. I commence my day with one that can be completed in a brisk 2 hours or paused conveniently when my delightful little ones awaken at 6 a.m. Speaking of my kids, at 6 a.m., I take a brief pause from my work to wake them with the assistance of our lovable Maltipoo, Rosie, who is an absolute pro at her job.

After some quality time with the kids, it’s back to the grind. I rarely stray from my computer, except for essential breaks and to replenish my water supply.

On most days, my schedule revolves around meetings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., which is why I carefully select tasks that allow for flexibility during these essential hours. After the meetings, I dedicate my afternoons to efficiently wrapping up the day’s projects.

Typically, I wrap up my workday around 5–6 pm, followed by assisting with dinner preparations or taking on dinner-making duties if Jenna is occupied with our little ones. Afterward, I replenish my energy by spending quality time with my family.

In the event of any urgent matters arising after putting the kids to bed and finishing bedtime stories, I address them diligently before retiring for the night. Jenna and I usually unwind by watching a TV show together before bed, typically around 9:30–10 p.m.

As you can see, it’s a rigorous routine with little room for leisurely lunches, often starting the day with a quick breakfast. However, I must recharge with my cherished family whenever possible.

Despite the hustle and pressures of managing a growing small business, my passion for what I do remains unwavering.

Now, for my second piece of advice: Create a playlist of music that motivates you! I’ve curated one called “Setting the Stage” on Amazon Music—an eclectic mix to keep you focused and motivated throughout the day.

These are my daily rituals, but here’s the key: Find something you can do each week to recharge your energy. For me, it’s quality family time, like playing family games on Saturdays—Cash Flow, Cribbage, Hand and Foot, and Clue are favorites.

And don’t forget to find something that rejuvenates you every quarter. My family and I enjoy taking trips—they don’t have to be extravagant, just focused on creating cherished moments together.

Last but certainly not least, I prioritize attending business events every quarter. Not only do I gain invaluable insights and reignite my motivation, but I also surround myself with like-minded individuals because the company you keep shapes your journey!

So, there you have it—my collection of tips and tricks for maintaining unwavering energy and motivation, not just on a daily or weekly basis, but throughout the entire year. If you’re striving for exceptional success, remember this: Keep pushing forward while others rest.

As the saying goes, “I don’t stop when I’m tired; I stop when I’m done.” And let’s not forget the wisdom of Thomas Edison, who said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

I sincerely hope you found this guide enlightening and that you’ll be able to keep your personal “batteries” charged without ever needing jumper cables. Stay energized and keep hustling!

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Stress” Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing is Impossible

“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!” Audrey Hepburn

Have you ever encountered a situation that seemed impossible to overcome?

I certainly have. When I find myself facing such a challenge, I take a moment to reflect and ask myself some crucial questions: “Will achieving this goal solely benefit me, or will it also benefit others? Is this something I’m pursuing out of personal desire, or is it a calling from a higher power?”

If it’s a task I feel called to undertake, I’ve learned not to doubt it. Deep within, I have unwavering faith that God guides me in these endeavors. And remember: “If God is on our side, who can stand against us?”

For some time now, I’ve had a persistent feeling that I should start a podcast. It’s almost as if I didn’t have enough on my plate already. Between growing a successful business, developing a software platform, writing blogs, creating courses, penning devotionals, pursuing my pilot’s license, and supporting Jenna in managing our household and raising our kids, my schedule is already jam-packed.

But I felt compelled to begin recording a podcast. To be completely honest with you, I’ve had this feeling for about 1.5 years. However, I’ve allowed fear to hold me back and paralyze my actions.

In the last two years, I’ve recorded approximately 15 episodes. But after listening to them later, I’d often delete them because I didn’t believe they were up to the standard I wanted to publish.

Eventually, I turned to prayer, as any faithful Christian would do, seeking help and guidance. My prayer was straightforward: “God, if this is Your will, I need assistance. Grant me the courage to record and publish. Thank you!”

Guess what happened next? While we were heading home from a trip, I grabbed my phone and immediately began drafting a document for the podcast. First, I brainstormed a list of potential names for it. Then, I outlined the purpose of the podcast.

Following that, I crafted the podcast’s introduction. Then, I brainstormed numerous topics to discuss. It was all coming together! And remarkably, I managed to outline everything during just one flight from Florida to Dallas!

Reflecting on this experience, I now understand that in the past, I had attempted to create a podcast because I felt called to do so. However…

Before that prayer, I was solely relying on my own efforts to make it happen. But once I invited God to guide the project, it soared like a rocket!

Whenever we receive a calling to do something, God is always there to support us. However, I personally struggle at times because I attempt to tackle it on my own. It’s not that I don’t want Him to be involved; it’s just that I often forget to invite Him to help.

As soon as I seek His guidance, God is there with all the assistance I could ever need. Personally, I’ve made it a habit to invite God into every aspect of my life spontaneously throughout the day, week, month, and yes, even the year.

Here’s how I approach it: I offer a simple prayer: “God, how are you? I want you to know how deeply grateful I am for everything you provide. If it’s okay, I’d like to ask for a favor. God, I want to surrender every aspect of my life to you. From my children to my relationship with Jenna, from our finances to our business, from prioritizing You first to the podcast, and every project You entrust to me. I entrust our lives, the sustenance we have, and my overall existence to you. Please guide me to live according to Your will.”

I’ve come to understand that if you knock, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7


Today, I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect on something in your life that you could surrender to God.

Is there something stirring within you—a sense of calling or purpose? Perhaps it’s reaching out to reconcile with someone you had an argument with. Maybe it’s the urge to start your own business or to embark on writing a book. It could be contemplating marriage with your partner or focusing on raising your children. Or perhaps it’s the creative endeavor of completing that quilt you’ve been working on. Whatever it may be, listen to that inner voice nudging you towards action.

I believe you understand the message. There are numerous aspects of our lives where we can welcome God’s assistance.

Now that you’ve recognized those areas, take a moment to offer a brief prayer, seeking God’s guidance and support.

If you’re interested, I’ve launched a podcast called “Leading From The Middle Of The Pack.” It would mean a lot to me if you gave it a listen!

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Nothing is Impossible” Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Origin Story (Part 3)

My Origin Story (PART 3)

“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.”

Tony Robbins

Recap of Part One:
As a child, my fascination with trucks led me to join the local volunteer fire department just for the chance to ride in them—quite a passion, right? I earned my CDL at 18 but spent years seeking to move away from trucking. When we last left off, I had recently become a licensed CDL tester for Colorado.

Recap of Part Two:
I was tasked with a significant challenge: transforming a large company’s compliance from 0% to 100% promptly after an audit.

After achieving a 98% compliance rate in less than 3 months, our company was acquired by a larger one, leaving me unsure about the security of my job. However, it also presented unexpected networking opportunities.

Let’s dive back into the story! Shortly after, I received an email from the CEO requesting my presence at their corporate office in Houston, TX. I promptly purchased my ticket and flew down the following week.

That week felt like an eternity, filled with doubt and fear creeping into my mind.

Upon arriving and entering his office, I found Tamisha and the former owner of my company already present. My heart sank—I anticipated bad news.

They invited me to take a seat, and the tension in the room was palpable.

My stomach churned with nerves as I anticipated the worst—they had called me here to terminate my employment. I braced myself for criticisms about my system failures, accusations of incompetence, and the dreaded news that my services were no longer required.

But then, to my surprise, they all smiled warmly. The CEO spoke up, “So, this is Dan, the DOT man Tamisha has been praising? Dan, these two haven’t stopped talking about you since our discussions about merging companies began. After Tamisha’s initial visit, she insisted on your inclusion as a condition for approval. So, what do you say? Would you consider joining our team?”

My stomach plummeted, and my thoughts raced in disbelief. My fears were unfounded.

He continued speaking, “Ez (the former owner) shared with us that when you took on the role of DOT manager, they were facing a potential shutdown due to an audit. However, you developed a DOT program that not only transformed the company culture but also boosted safety ratings and profitability. Tamisha raved about your program, calling it the best she’d ever seen after her visit. So, would you be interested in helping align our entire team?”

I couldn’t refuse such an opportunity, could I?

We successfully integrated my system across six different companies, totaling over 4400 employees and 2500 drivers. Over a span of two years, I collaborated with them to transform their DOT program from roughly 40% compliance to nearly 99% compliance. Our fleet spanned the lower 48 states and included over 3,800 pieces of rolling stock. Despite our small team of just four individuals, I was primarily responsible for travel and implementation.

I broadened my network beyond what I had ever imagined.

When the CVSA conference came around, I was asked to attend and represent our companies. While there, I also assumed a voting position on two separate committees, a unique role as the sole attendee with voting rights on both committees.


CVSA represents a collaborative effort among lawmakers (FMCSA, PHMSA), law enforcers (officers, police, DOT patrol), and industry representatives (companies) to enhance DOT standards across North America.

Shortly thereafter, we made the decision to establish a business aimed at assisting more companies with their compliance needs. This involved taking a leap of faith by leaving behind a well-paying job with an income exceeding six figures and leaving behind valued colleagues.

Initially, we only had one client. Yes, you read that correctly—we believed in our ability to succeed with just one client. Who does that? We dedicated ourselves to hosting numerous free live events to share our expertise with the community.

Then COVID-19 struck, halting our free events just as we were gaining momentum. We swiftly adapted, transitioning to digital platforms. Initially, attendance was sparse, with only one or two participants showing up at our events. I often questioned if our efforts were worthwhile and if we would ever reach enough people to realize our goal of assisting more companies.

However, there was a turning point when we hosted an event that reached maximum capacity. That success prompted us to pivot once again to share our knowledge more widely.

In our inaugural year of business, we experienced significant growth: a 30x increase in our client list, a 300x growth in our email list, and a 1000x increase in our followers. We consider this an exceptional first year in business.

While there have been numerous challenges along the way, we remain dedicated to helping all businesses that rely on trucks in their operations. Our mission is to empower every company, regardless of size, with a robust DOT program that transforms their operations. We aim to provide industry expertise to every company, ensuring they have the tools needed for success.

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “God Wants You to Succeed.”. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

Outwitting the Devil

Outwitting the Devil

“Your only limitation is the one which you set up in your own mind.”

Napoleon Hill, Outwitting the Devil

You may not be aware, but Napoleon Hill, renowned for his book “Think and Grow Rich,” also penned another work in the 1930s titled “Outwitting the Devil.” In this intriguing piece, Hill conducts an interview with the devil himself, uncovering his darkest secrets.

It’s truly a remarkable read. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend picking up a copy today—don’t delay!

I owe a huge thank you to Russell Brunson for recommending this book to me; it was truly eye-opening.

Let’s delve into it further.

Interestingly, although written in the 1930s, “Outwitting the Devil” wasn’t published until 2011. This delay was due to Hill’s wife initially refusing to allow its publication. Even after both Hill and his wife had passed away, their daughter withheld permission for publication. It wasn’t until two generations later that the Napoleon Hill Foundation finally released the book.

What’s truly remarkable is that, despite its age, the book’s insights remain entirely relevant today.

One of the most compelling aspects of the book is Hill’s exploration of how the devil employs fear to keep 98% of people “drifting.” It prompted me to reflect on times in my own life when fear may have led me to drift off course.

You might be wondering, “What exactly is drifting?”

Drifting occurs when a person navigates through life without actively seeking self-improvement or striving to better their circumstances. Instead of taking control and making deliberate choices, they passively allow events to unfold.

Think of it this way: When you’re drifting, you lack direction and purpose. You’re unsure of where you’re headed or what you’re doing. Remaining stuck in a job you dislike or repeating the same harmful behaviors despite knowing better are prime examples of drifting.

Let’s circle back to fear. When was the last time fear held you back from taking action? When did you refrain from speaking up out of fear of judgment? Fear immobilizes us and allows negativity to prevail.

Living in fear, especially in times like the COVID-19 pandemic, gives power to negative forces.

One significant lesson from the book is the importance of having a clear direction in life. With a definite purpose, drifting becomes impossible. Purpose fuels motivation and keeps us focused, leaving no room for aimless wandering.

Reading this made me reassess my own motivations. For instance, I write and send out devotionals not only to spread God’s word but also because I personally need the messages I share.

So often, I find myself reading devotionals and blogs that I’ve written months in advance, only to be struck by the relevance of the messages to my own life. It’s like getting a gentle (or sometimes not so gentle) reminder to heed the words I’ve shared. Sometimes, I even chuckle to myself, thinking, “Wow, this guy who writes these is really onto something!”

In designing software for Eclipse DOT, our aim isn’t just to earn more money; it’s to simplify DOT processes so effectively that anyone can use it. Similarly, when we assist companies, it’s not merely about financial gain. We do it to save them time and money while introducing industry-specific best practices.

Have you ever considered your purpose for what you do? Take a moment to reflect. Are you drifting, or is your purpose clear and defined?

There are countless valuable insights in the book, and I don’t want to spoil them all for you. However, there’s one more that significantly impacted my life: the importance of thinking outside the box.

Too often, we’re constrained by the desire to color inside the lines, both literally and metaphorically. We teach our children to stay within the lines when coloring a picture, but why aren’t we encouraging them to draw their own pictures instead?

By constantly praising conformity, we’re not truly helping them grow. Instead, when we encourage them to create their own designs, invent their own creatures, or innovate in various ways, we’re fostering their ability to think independently and problem-solve creatively.

The devil wants us to conform, to always color inside the lines, and to never question the status quo. But true growth and innovation come from daring to think for ourselves.

When we begin to question the status quo, that’s when we break free from drifting alongside the devil.

Here’s what I urge you to do next: Head to your preferred bookstore or audiobook platform and get yourself a copy of “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill. I guarantee you won’t regret it.

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Reconnecting with God“. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

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