Taking Responsibility for Our Actions
“When you blame others, you give away your power. But when you take responsibility, you reclaim that power and empower yourself to transform your life.”
Yesterday, I recorded my second-ever VLOG/podcast for Leading from the Middle of the Pack.
I have a unique approach—I dislike scripts. As a kid, I participated in one-act plays for our community, and I was the actor who detested sticking to the lines.
It wasn’t because I was a bad kid or actor; I simply preferred adding my spin to make it mine. That’s why I never pursued drama in high school.
Returning to the point, I’m more of a bullet-point guy than a script guy. So, when I prepared to record this vlog/podcast, I had my topic in front of me and nothing else: “Why It’s Important as A Leader To Take Responsibility For Our Mistakes!” (shameless plug—check out episode 46).
As I discussed the topic, I realized there are three critical reasons why we need to take responsibility for our actions. The first reason is for our peace of mind. Surprisingly, I used to never accept responsibility for my mistakes.
I was always finding excuses, refusing to acknowledge fault. When we make excuses, it does a few damaging things internally. It convinces our minds that there is nothing we could have done differently for a better outcome. However, there’s always something we could have done differently to achieve a different result.
Another detrimental effect of making excuses is that it perpetuates the cycle of repeating the same mistakes.
Albert Einstein famously said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome.” His words offer profound wisdom—if we desire different results, we must change our approach.
However, if we believe there was nothing we could have done differently, nothing will ever change. By absolving ourselves of responsibility, we unwittingly perpetuate the same ineffective behaviors.
The next reason to take responsibility for our mistakes is the impact they have on those around us. Consider this scenario: Who would you trust more? Someone who acknowledges their mistake and outlines steps to rectify it, or someone who shifts blame and claims powerlessness. Most would trust the person who owns up to their error.
We are naturally drawn to leaders who display vulnerability because it makes them relatable. By taking responsibility, we not only demonstrate integrity but also appear stronger and more trustworthy to others.
Lastly, consider the example we set for those who look up to us when we take responsibility for our mistakes.
Whether we realize it or not, there is always someone who admires us. Reflect on the individuals you look up to—are they flawless or flawed?
Do they admit their mistakes or deny them? Are they arrogant or humble? Chances are that the most respected figures in your life are those who demonstrate humility and accountability.
By taking ownership of our mistakes, we inspire others to do the same and cultivate a culture of honesty and growth.
Is his name Dan? Just kidding, lol.
But seriously, here’s the point: We don’t look up to people because they’re flawless. There’s only been one perfect human who walked this earth, and his name was Jesus.
Consider this: if the people we admire aren’t perfect and make mistakes, why can’t we? It’s time to act.
The next time you slip up, own it. Don’t expect immediate forgiveness—it’s not always that simple. Just say, “Hey folks, I messed up. And I’m committed to fixing it.”
A bit more
As I reflect on my past (a rare moment of introspection for me, lol), all my mistakes come to mind. Not like cream on milk, more like oil on water—kind of cool to observe, but you don’t want to touch it, lol.
I’ve made a ton of mistakes, and in the past, I wasn’t always quick to admit them. Today isn’t about listing all those past blunders—that would take forever, lol.
Instead, let’s focus on one mistake from a while back that I only recently acknowledged.
A couple of years ago, I attended a marketing convention I was hyped about. After landing, I hailed an Uber to my hotel and checked in. Walking to my room, I felt the excitement building in my stomach.
I’m usually okay in crowds and don’t easily get caught up in the hype. I owe that trait to my mom—she’s a pro at keeping her emotions in check. Though sometimes I wonder if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, because I can hardly read her. Except when she’s mad, then it’s crystal clear, lol.
As I made my way to my room and unpacked, I couldn’t help but notice the hotel adorned with banners for the event. The sheer scale of it all—the omnipresence of their brand—was both exhilarating and daunting. What had I gotten myself into?
Later, I headed down to register, reluctantly donning the obligatory name tag and wristband. I’ve always despised name tags. Then, with some time to spare before the conference kicked off the next day, I decided to explore the hotel.
As I wandered, I couldn’t help but notice that nearly everyone I encountered was sporting some sort of event swag or nametag. It was impressive, but it also intensified the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
After grabbing dinner, I retreated to my room for the night. The next morning, I arrived at the event an hour early, not entirely sure what to expect. As I approached the venue, I was greeted by a throng of people. And when I say throng, I mean there were quite a few. Little did I know, there were about 4500 attendees!
The butterflies returned with a vengeance, my mouth went dry, and striking up conversations seemed daunting. This was a business event, and it wasn’t lost on me that I had only recently hired my first employee—for the second time, mind you. The first attempt at hiring hadn’t panned out due to a lack of work, and having to let someone go was gut-wrenching. It’s a side of starting a business they don’t warn you about—you’re responsible for someone else’s livelihood.
All these emotions resurfaced as I surveyed the massive crowd. So, I found a quiet corner near a door, opting not to engage with anyone, and waited for the doors to open.
The next four days were truly remarkable, and I did manage to connect with some incredible people. But looking back, I realized I made a mistake—I didn’t fully immerse myself in the experience. Instead, after each day, I retreated to my room, repeating the same pattern.
My error? I retreated into introversion when I’m an extreme extrovert. I mean, I strike up conversations with strangers on the street and in the grocery store!
Right after that conference, I acknowledged my mistake, and since then, I’ve committed to embracing my true self whenever I attend events. I’ve become that person who strikes up conversations with everyone and faces challenges without fear.
But just imagine if I had said, “I tried talking to people, but no one wanted to engage with me!” Where would I be today? Nowhere!
Even worse, I might have convinced myself that I’m introverted and dislike group settings. That would have completely altered my life and business trajectory.
When we take ownership of our mistakes, it opens the door to growth. So, go out there, acknowledge your mistakes, and use them as fuel to propel your growth!
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