Why you should read the book How to Win Friends and Influence People

Cover of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie
Leadership book recommendation

Why You Should Read the book How to Win Friends and Influence People

I mention this book so frequently that you might assume I earn a commission for every copy sold. However, that assumption would be incorrect.

If you’re familiar with me or have followed me for a while, chances are you’ve heard me suggest reading Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” This book has been instrumental in rescuing my job, acquiring new clients, retaining clients on the verge of leaving, and even influencing and leading my team.

The principles outlined in the book are genuinely timeless, and they absolutely do work! In my household, every one of my children over the age of the age of 16 has read this book at least once. Not only have they read it, but we’ve also had extensive discussions about its content. I recall the time I first discovered “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” I was employed at Crossfire, where Ezra Lee served as the company president.

I was invited into his office one day to discuss the company’s DOT program and what I needed for success. During our conversation, I mentioned my challenges in getting certain drivers and leaders to embrace our new DOT program. It was then that he asked, “Have you ever come across the book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’?” I responded, “No, what’s it about?”

“Dan, are you serious? It’s all about ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’! It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read on persuading others to do what you want and need them to do. Buy yourself a copy and read it!”

So, I immediately returned to my office and went online to Amazon. There were numerous versions available, and since the original was highly recommended, I opted for the new edition tailored for the digital age.

A few days later, the book arrived, and I delved into it, finishing it within days. Proudly, I returned to the president’s office to inform him that I would take action—I had ordered and read the book.

He inquired about my thoughts, and I mentioned that it was good but didn’t quite blow me away. That’s when he stood up and said, “Fetch the book. I want to see what you’ve read.”

I hurried back to my office, snatched the book, and swiftly returned to his office, walking straight in. He glanced at the cover and exclaimed, “Ah, you accidentally got the wrong book! I thought you’d gone mad.”

We then went online to Amazon, ordered the correct book, and had a good laugh about the mix-up. It arrived a few days later, and I had finished reading it by the weekend’s end.

Following that, I revisited his office, as he wanted to discuss what I had learned and my plans for implementation.

We discussed the principles I recalled from the book and brainstormed how I could apply them to improve the DOT program. It was an inspiring conversation, and it showed me what a great leader Ez is.


As I traveled, I revisited the book repeatedly. Even today, I continue to read it several times a year.

I always recommend it to those new to leadership roles, and I’ve even gifted it to people because of the immense value it has brought me. Nowadays, I prefer listening to it rather than reading because it saves me time, and efficiency is crucial to me.

What strikes me most is that this book, written in the 1930s, still holds such relevant truths today. It serves as a comprehensive guide to leadership. By studying its principles, success in all aspects of life, particularly leadership, becomes achievable.

One crucial point I must emphasize about “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is that you must apply its techniques for good purposes, not for nefarious ones! The potential consequences could be devastating if someone were to misuse its teachings.

Over the next few months, my goal is to share Dale Carnegie’s principles with you to facilitate your learning. Additionally, I highly recommend reading the book yourself.

If you’re aiming for an extraordinary, one-of-a-kind gift, a manuscript of the book would be pretty amazing. Just kidding. (Or maybe not, haha.)

I hope you all receive your copies today. If you do, share a picture of you with the book or a screenshot of you reading it on your phone. Don’t forget to use #DOTDoc and tag me directly, @RealDanGreer.

I wish you a fantastic day, and let’s revolutionize the world of leadership together!

Enhance your faith-led leadership journey with God First Life Next. Explore empowering insights at “Beyond the Bible: Exploring the Power of Reading“. Let faith guide your leadership. Click for purposeful living at

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